Social Engagement
When the documentary is released in 2017, Plow Productions will encourage state and national abuse organizations to use the film as a tool to educate the general public and state legislators of the unjust laws regarding statutes of limitation for crimes of child sex abuse.
We will continue to partner with schools, universities, local governments and local and national advocacy/rights based organizations to host screenings in their communities to raise awareness. At the end of each screening, audiences will participate in a Q&A with local advocates to discuss the importance of these issues, how they can make changes in their own communities and receive vital information about the steps needed to invoke legislation change to end the statute of limitations for victims of sexual abuse.
In order to increase the breadth of our impact, Plow Productions is pursuing partnerships with several non-profit organizations that share our commitment to protecting children and ending the statute of limitations for crimes
of sexual abuse. We are cultivating relationships with the National Children’s Alliance, which provides support, technical assistance, and quality assurance for Child Advocacy Centers and has served as a voice for abused children for more than 25 years; One With Courage, which aims to educate the public about the signs of sexual abuse, dispel generally accepted “myths” about this issue and provide communities with specific steps they can take to make a difference in a child’s life; and Prevent Child Abuse, one of the world's largest advocacy organizations, which works to promote the healthy development of children and prevent child abuse before it can occur. Each of these national partners have local chapters, grantees and/or affiliates throughout the country,
as well as a great deal of experience advocating for children’s rights on a policy level.
To learn more about how you can help or lend support to this project, please contact